
Simona Costin ❌ Fecioras cu mandru nume! ❌

Simona Costin ❌ Fecioras cu mandru nume! ❌

Simona Costin ❌ Fecioras cu mandru nume! ❌
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💠 Contact Simona Costin si Ionut Mates Oficial pentru evenimente private, nunți, botezuri:
🔷 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/simona.costin.54
🔶 Instagram: https://instagram.com/simonacostin?utm_medium=copy_link
🔺 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLZiu9xnZTKl9ujldfGnSQg
🟢 Whatsapp Ionut/Simona: 0744604414 sau 0746435995
📞 Telefon Ionut/Simona: 0744604414 sau 0746435995
📧 E-mail: matesionut80@yahoo.com/Costin_simonyk@yahoo.com

🙍‍♂️🙍‍♀️ :
Muzica: Ionut Mates
Voce: Simona Costin
Orchestratie, Mastering: Horea Boncut
Videoclip: Studionick
Text: Simona Costin


© & ℗ 2021 Simona Costin si Ionut Mates Oficial. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws. In order to avoid copyright infringement, please, do not upload this song on your channel.

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Author: Andrei

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